Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Asperger research paper

Asperger research paper

asperger research paper

Asperger's disorder research papers are custom written by Paper Masters about the medical condition. Asperger’s disorder, also known as Asperger’s syndrome or just Asperger’s,and is part of the Autism Spectrum Disorder. Asperger’s is characterized by extreme difficulty in social interaction and nonverbal communication, as well as obsessive interest in some topics Jan 25,  · It is important to note here that Asperger himself referred to Kanner’s paper, concluding that his subjects were clearly different from those described by Kanner (). The idea quickly made its way that Kanner’s autism and AS were different disorders, distinguished mainly by the fact that AS children had good cognitive and linguistic skills and a normal development in the first 2–3 years of life Cited by: 20 This essay declares that children with Asperger syndrome mostly portray peculiarities in speech and language and also have socially and emotionally inappropriate behaviors. hellip; According to the paper Terry being a victim of the Asperger syndrome is predisposed to emotional strains and depression that results from being “separated into solitude during play and study times” The author is a teacher, he

Behavioral, Cognitive and Neural Markers of Asperger Syndrome

To browse Academia. edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser, asperger research paper. Skip to main content. edu no longer supports Internet Explorer, asperger research paper. Log In Sign Up. Asperger Syndrome 22 Followers. Papers People, asperger research paper. Brief Report: Treating Stuttering in an Adult with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Stuttering and autism can co-occur and when they do it presents a significant communication challenge.

This study examined the effectiveness of a modified version of the fluency rules program FRP; Runyan and Runyan, Stuttering and This study examined the effectiveness of a modified version of the fluency rules program FRP; Runyan and Runyan, Stuttering and related disorders of fluency, in asperger research paper reduce stuttering frequency in a man with autism spectrum disorder ASD. Save to Library. Asperger's, empathy and blade runner. Varying Language Register According to Listener Needs in Speakers with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

The quality of life of young men asperger research paper Asperger syndrome: A brief report. Factors influencing quality of life for persons with Asperger research paper syndrome are not yet understood. Men, ages 18 to 21, completed the World Health Organization Quality Of Life measure, the Perceived Support Network Inventory, and a Men, ages 18 to 21, completed the World Health Organization Quality Of Life measure, the Perceived Support Network Inventory, and a semi-structured interview.

Asperger syndrome affects quality of life beyond the obvious social impact. The 12 men with Asperger syndrome reported a significantly lower social and physical quality of life than did the 13 men in the control group.

Education, living arrangements, and number of friends were remarkably similar between groups. Those with Asperger syndrome had less positive employment experiences and showed more preference for solitary activities. Interventions need to be asperger research paper on a holistic model.

What is the prevalence of Asperger disorder? Pervasive Developmental Disorders in Montreal, Quebec, Canada: Prevalence and Links With Immunizations, asperger research paper. Pervasive Developmental Disorders in Preschool Children: Confirmation of High Prevalence.

The rate of reported pervasive developmental disorders has increased, and the authors found a rate of They conducted another survey in to estimate the prevalence They conducted another survey in to estimate the prevalence in children in a later birth cohort and to compare it to previous findings from the same area. Screening for developmental problems included 10, asperger research paper, children ages 4. Children with symptoms suggestive of pervasive asperger research paper disorders were intensively assessed by a multidisciplinary team using standardized diagnostic interviews, psychometric tests, and medical workups.

Sixty-four children The prevalence was These rates were not significantly different from the previous rates. The mean age at diagnosis was Of the 64 children with pervasive developmental disorders, Few children had associated medical conditions.

The rate of pervasive developmental disorders is higher than reported 15 years ago. The rate in this study is comparable to that in previous birth cohorts from the same area and surveyed with asperger research paper same methods, suggesting a stable incidence. We describe the behavior analytic approach to helping people with Asperger syndrome regarding social interaction and communication issues. In the behavior analytic approach, the cause of maladaptive behavior is not attributed to the In the behavior analytic approach, the cause of maladaptive behavior is not attributed to the disability itself.

Maladaptive behaviors are viewed as a function of the interaction asperger research paper an individual and the environment. Therefore, we assess these functional relationships and intervene by modifying aspects of the environment. Functional assessment is one of the most effective methods to evaluate the cause of problem behaviors and helps in the selection of an intervention strategy.

We teach students functionally equivalent alternative behaviors that are socially appropriate and yet met the needs of the individual. Furthermore, we discuss the importance of teaching individuals with Asperger syndrome critical skills, including communication skills, self-management skills, and how to deal with anxiety. Intact implicit learning of spatial context and temporal sequences in childhood autism spectrum disorder. Asperger research paper Functioning in Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

There is a paucity of research studying comprehensive neurocognitive profiles of adolescents with higher functioning autism spectrum disorders ASD. This study compared the neurocognitive profiles of higher functioning adolescents with Adolescents with ASD demonstrated a significantly higher mean Verbal Intelligence Quotient compared to the standardized mean. However, the ASD group had significantly lower scores than the control group on the subtests Auditory Attention and Response Set, Memory for Faces, Visuomotor Precision, and Design Copying.

Thus, particular strengths were seen in verbal reasoning, while weaknesses were observed in auditory attention, facial recognition memory, and visuomotor functions in adolescents with ASD. Neurocognitive performance of children with higher functioning autism spectrum disorders on the NEPSY-II. This study examined patterns of strengths and weaknesses in the neurocognitive performance of children with higher functioning autism spectrum disorder ASD.

The participants were 30 children with higher functioning ASD ranging from 6 to The participants were 30 children with higher functioning ASD ranging from 6 to 11 years, and 60 typically developing TD children, asperger research paper, who were asperger research paper with the children with higher functioning ASD in terms of age, gender, and maternal education, asperger research paper.

The TD children were drawn from the Finnish standardization sample for the NEPSY-II. The cognitive abilities of the children asperger research paper higher functioning ASD were assessed with the WISC-III, and the neurocognitive performance of the children with higher functioning ASD and TD children on the NEPSY-II was compared. The children with higher functioning ASD were found to have strengths in verbal reasoning skills with respect to the population mean and weaknesses in set-shifting, verbal fluency, and narrative memory in comparison with the TD children.

Minor weaknesses were also observed in facia Psychiatric comorbidities in autism spectrum disorders: findings from a Danish Historic Birth Cohort. Mitochondrial Encephalomyopathy Due to a Novel Mutation in the tRNAGlu of Mitochondrial DNA. A year-old boy had exercise intolerance, weakness, ataxia, and lactic acidosis. Because his muscle biopsy showed a mosaic pattern of fibers staining intensely with the succinate dehydrogenase reaction but not at all with the cytochrome Because his muscle biopsy showed a mosaic pattern of fibers staining intensely with the succinate dehydrogenase reaction but not at all with the cytochrome c oxidase reaction, we sequenced his mitochondrial DNA and found a novel mutation CA in the gene for tRNAGlu.

The mutation was present in accessible tissues from the asymptomatic mother but not from a brother with Asperger syndrome. These data expand the clinical heterogeneity of mutations in this mitochondrial gene.

Mitochondrial myopathy associated with a novel mutation in mtDNA. Maturation of limbic regions in Asperger syndrome: A preliminary study using proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy and structural magnetic resonance imaging, asperger research paper.

People with autistic spectrum disorders ASD, including Asperger syndrome may have developmental abnormalities in the amygdala—hippocampal complex AHC. However, in vivo, age-related comparisons of both volume and neuronal integrity of However, in vivo, age-related comparisons of both volume and neuronal integrity of the AHC have not yet been carried out in people with Asperger syndrome AS versus controls.

We compared structure and metabolic activity of the right AHC of 22 individuals with AS and 22 healthy controls aged 10—50 years and examined the effects of age between groups, asperger research paper. The bulk volume of the amygdala and the hippocampus did not differ significantly between groups, but there was a significant difference in the effect of age on the hippocampus in controls. Compared with controls, young but not A laboratory study of sleep in Asperger's syndrome.

Asperger's syndrome AS is a pervasive developmental disorder that may fall along the autistic spectrum. We compared the sleep of eight patients with AS with asperger research paper of participants matched for age and gender. Patients with AS showed Patients with AS showed decreased sleep time in the first two-thirds of the night, increased number of shifts into REM sleep from a waking epoch, and all but one patient asperger research paper signs of REM sleep disruption.

EEG sleep spindles were significantly decreased while K complexes and REM sleep rapid eye movements were asperger research paper. Three patients with AS, but none of the comparison participants, showed a pathological index of periodic leg movements in sleep. These observations show that sleep disorders are associated with AS and suggest that defective sleep control systems may be associated with the clinical picture of AS. Fahr's disease and Asperger's syndrome in a patient with asperger research paper hypoparathyroidism.

Factors associated with functioning style and coping strategies of familes with a child with an autism spectrum disorder. Having a child with ASD places considerable Having a child with ASD places considerable stress on the family. Results suggest that these caregivers had healthy self-esteem, although they reported somewhat lower marital asperger research paper, family cohesion and family adaptability than did norm groups.

Coping strategies were not significant predictors of these outcome variables. Results highlight the need for support programmes to target family and relationship variables as well as ASD children and their behaviours, in order to sustain the family unit and improve quality of life for parents and caregivers as well as those children. Factors associated with functioning style and coping strategies of families with a child with an autism spectrum disorder.

Results highlight the need for support programmes to target family and relationship variables as well as ASD children and their behaviours, asperger research paper, in order to sustain the family unit and improve quality of life for parents and ca Related Topics. Asperger Syndrome in Adults.

Follow Following. Asperger Syndrome Language, asperger research paper. High Functioning Autism.

Autism Brain: How Aspergers Affects YOU Learning (3 TOP Issues)

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Asperger's Syndrome Research Papers for College Students

asperger research paper

Further, the research paper provided practical information for the teachers “in the trenches,” as they worked diligently to meet the needs of students with Asperger's Syndrome. Based on the belief that teachers play a vital role in helping students with AS relate effectively to the world around them, the guide for teachers was developed to fill the gap between research and practice Research Paper On Asperger Syndrome. Asperger Syndrome (AS) is a one of five autistic spectrum disorders. AS is also recognized by some as a neurological disorder. Sufferers of this syndrome share many of the same characteristics of autism except the accompanying disabilities In this paper, behavior, motor skills and language capabilities of individuals with Asperger are compared to those in healthy controls. In addition, common findings across MRI and fMRI based studies associated with behavior and cognitive disabilities are blogger.com by: 9

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