· Here is an example of the basic format of an APA abstract: This is the format all APA abstracts should follow. Notice that the running title of the paper and the page number are at the header of the page. The abstract itself is beneath the title "Abstract", which is centered and without additional format at the center of the page · An abstract is a concise summary of an academic text (such as a journal article or dissertation).It serves two main purposes: To help potential readers determine the relevance of your paper for their own research. To communicate your key findings to The abstract is not the first paragraph of an article. An abstract is a complete version or form of your article. An abstract is a complete version or form of your article. It is the entire article epitomized, covering the major points, content and scope of your argument, the theoretical framework or scholarly point of departure, as well as the methodology, and type of evidentiary basis
Abstracts – The Writing Center • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
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Log In Sign Up. Download Free PDF. Writing a good abstract for a journal article. Christian C Ezeala. Download PDF, example of abstract in journal article. Download Full PDF Package This paper. A short summary of this paper. READ PAPER. Loading Preview. Writing a Good Abstract for a Journal Article PACIFIC ISLANDS HEALTH RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM Assoc.
A brief summary of a research article that emphasizes what is new, captures the salient features of the purpose, design, findings, PACIFIC ISLANDS HEALTH RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM and implications, and contains no unnecessary sentences or explanations; As a rule, abstract should not include citations, figures or tables; but the format could be discipline or journal specific.
It is a brief summary of completed or ongoing research article. It includes information on the context or PACIFIC ISLANDS HEALTH RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM background of the study; 3. It states the rationale for the study 4.
It contains clear and logical presentation of findings; 7. Its conclusions are supported by the results 8. It includes a take-home message or PACIFIC ISLANDS HEALTH RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM statement of impact; 9. It has been written according to journal guidelines: — structured or unstructured, word limit, etc. It has good grammatical writing.
Why is the study important? However, the linkage or disparity of these measures has not been systematically studied in developing countries. This paper explores current guidance available to the profession in New Zealand.
PACIFIC ISLANDS HEALTH RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM 1. Using data from the Philippine Quality Improvement Demonstration Study, QIDS, this study evaluated the associations between General Self-Reported Health Status GSRH and height, weight, example of abstract in journal article, hemoglobin, red blood cell folate, C-reactive protein, and blood lead levels.
The authors modeled each biomarker as a function of GSRH controlling for socioeconomic status and selection effects. Changes in biomarkers and GSRH in children who had previously been hospitalized were also examined. We conducted a double-blind, multicenter trial involving patients with recent symptomatic lacunar infarcts identified by magnetic resonance PACIFIC ISLANDS HEALTH RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM imaging. Patients were randomly assigned to receive 75 mg of clopidogrel or placebo daily; patients in both groups received mg of aspirin daily.
The primary outcome was any recurrent stroke, including ischemic stroke and intracranial hemorrhage. Please include real data!
The largest absolute improvements were in Asia and the largest relative reductions in prevalence in southern and tropical Latin America. Anthropometric status worsened in sub-Saharan Africa until the late s and improved thereafter. Into million children younger than 5 example of abstract in journal article were mildly, moderately, or severely stunted and to million were mildly, moderately, or severely underweight.
After a mean follow-up of 3. The risk of major hemorrhage was almost doubled with dual antiplatelet therapy hemorrhages, 2. All- cause mortality was increased among patients assigned to receive dual antiplatelet therapy 77 deaths in the group receiving aspirin alone vs.
State the implication of the results. Macroeconomic shocks, structural adjustment, and trade policy reforms in the s and s might have been PACIFIC ISLANDS HEALTH RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM responsible for worsening child nutritional status in sub- Saharan Africa.
Further progress in the improvement of children's growth and nutrition needs equitable economic growth and investment in pro-poor food and primary care programmes, especially relevant in the context of the global economic crisis. In addition to being a measure of overall PACIFIC ISLANDS HEALTH RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM child health status, GSRH may be a useful and inexpensive screening tool for identifying children that need further health testing.
Good Example 1 The Lancet, VolumeIssuePages -1 September Trends in mild, moderate, and severe stunting and underweight, and progress towards MDG 1 example of abstract in journal article developing countries: a systematic analysis of population representative data Background: There is little information on country trends in the complete PACIFIC ISLANDS HEALTH RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM distributions of children's anthropometric status, which are needed to assess all levels of mild to severe undernutrition.
Methods: We collated population-representative data on height-for- age Z example of abstract in journal article HAZ and WAZ calculated with the WHO child growth standards. Our data sources were health and nutrition surveys, summary statistics from the WHO Global Database on PACIFIC ISLANDS HEALTH RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM Child Growth and Malnutrition, and summary statistics from reports of other national and international agencies.
We used a Bayesian hierarchical mixture model to estimate Z-score distributions. We quantified the uncertainty of our estimates, assessed their validity, compared their performance to alternative models, and assessed sensitivity to key modelling choices.
The largest absolute PACIFIC ISLANDS HEALTH RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM improvements were in Asia and the largest relative reductions in prevalence in southern and tropical Latin America. Interpretation: Macroeconomic shocks, structural adjustment, and trade policy reforms in the s and s might have been responsible for worsening child nutritional status in sub-Saharan Africa. Further progress in the improvement of children's growth PACIFIC ISLANDS HEALTH RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM and nutrition needs equitable economic growth and investment in pro-poor food and primary care programmes, especially relevant in the context of the global economic crisis.
Good Example 2 Asia Pac J Public Health July vol. Data were collected from physical measurements and standardized questionnaires from adult women from China, Vietnam, the Philippines, and other Asian countries. The mean BMI body mass index was The highest obesity proportion was found in Filipino For prevention of excess body weight, public health efforts need to be targeted to immigrants starting at arrival in Korea. References 1. Asia Pac J Public Health. Epub Dec New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy ;40 2 Med J Aust ; 5 : PACIFIC ISLANDS HEALTH RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM doi Nurs Health Sci.
doi: Epub Feb 8 5. Epub Mar 1. N Engl J Med. Epub Jul 5. Related Papers, example of abstract in journal article. Good Abstract Writing for a Medical Science Journal Article: The Tits and Bits. By Christian C Ezeala. Nutritional Status of Rural and Urban Under-Five Children in Tangail District, Bangladesh. By Jakia Sultana Jothi, Ph. Patterns of childhood and adolescent overweight and obesity during health transition in Vanuatu. By Miguel Vilar. Illicit drug use.
By Wayne Hall. Example of abstract in journal article John 'Tobi. Download pdf. Log In with Facebook Log In with Google Sign Up with Apple, example of abstract in journal article. Remember me on this computer. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Need an account? Click here to sign up. About Press Blog People Papers Job Board Advertise We're Hiring!
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How to Write an APA Abstract
, time: 6:50Writing an abstract - ANU

A well-written abstract serves multiple purposes: an abstract lets readers get the gist or essence of your paper or article quickly, in order to decide whether to Definition and Purpose of Abstracts An abstract is a short summary of your (published or unpublished) research paper, usually about a paragraph (c. sentences, words) long Journal Article: Abstract Journal Article: Abstract. When to Write the Abstract. Results; Discussion; Introduction; Abstract; Writing an abstract can be difficult because you are tasked with condensing tons of work into such a small amount of space. To make things easier, write your abstract last. For example, if you are trying to distill This paper explores current guidance available to the profession in New Zealand.2 Sections of the Abstract Objective(s)/Hypothesis/Aim/Thesis Statement: 1 sentence to summarize the obj of the study • Examples: PACIFIC ISLANDS HEALTH RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM To describe the use of mifepristone in combination with buccal misoprostol in women undergoing an early medical abortion (EMA) in Australia.
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