Now the plurality of researchers believe that personality can be summarized into five dominate traits, being extraversion, neuroticism, openness to experience, agreeableness and conscientiousness, all constituting the Five Factor Model. However · Personality is a description of how someone acts, behaves, or reacts. Adjectives that describe personality are often called personality adjectives. Personality adjectives can be one of the most important types of adjectives to understand. They can help you know whether someone is happy or sad, tough or easy, fast or slow · First: describe a person essay in English with good qualities; The first essay We will use many qualities to describe someone in English such as long, agile, fast, high concentration, collaborator, ambitious, famous, and you can borrow other words in describing a person
Describe Your Personality Essay Example | Short Essay on Myself
All of us must have come across the term personality. Many of us must have used this term quite often. The term personality is very commonly employed in advertisements or when people issue certificates or testimonials to others. In all these contexts, it may be seen that this term is used to describe the behaviour of a person in general terms.
For example, describe a person personality essay, when somebody is described as having a pleasant personality, this means that on most of the occasions, this person is very pleasant to meet and get along with. Similarly, terms like irritable personality or charming personality are frequently used. It is the total and overall description of a person.
We may, therefore, attempt a tentative definition of the term personality. In actual life, individual behavioural processes like learning, motivation, memory, etc. do not occur independently and individually. There is an integration and organisation of these various processes which gives a total meaning to the behaviour of a person.
Further, this pattern or organisation extends across situations, with the result that every person behaves with a certain degree of consistency and at the same time behaves in a manner different from others.
We may, therefore, say that even though we may study individual processes like perception, learning, etc. these alone, individually or taken together, cannot help us to understand, interpret or predict the behaviour of a person.
There are certain organising and integrating processes which help to combine and weave these individual processes into the behaviour of a person. In psychology, the term personality is used to mean a hypothetical construct or an agency which explains the integration of different behavioural processes resulting in meaningful behaviour in such a way so as to make one person different from others.
The term personality, therefore, explains both generality, and individuality in behaviour. Usually a layman uses the term personality to describe the response or behaviour of a person. Adjectives like pleasant, honest, sociable, etc. In the use of this term, we may see that the following implications are involved:. Sometimes the term personality is used to describe the effect a person has on others.
Thus, when one describes a man as a pleasant person, one experiences the pleasantness in him. What is involved here is the effect which that man has on the person who is describing him. On the other hand, when one describes a man as having a sociable personality one is describing his behaviour and his responses.
Here, the term is used to describe the nature of his own response with no reference to his effect on the describer. In many instances, the term personality is used in an evaluative sense. It may be seen that in all these instances the term personality is used as a descriptive or evaluative term. But it is not always used in such a way in modem psychology. For example, some psychologists have defined the term personality as the sum total of all the characteristics of a person.
In fact, many tests of personality have also been based on this principle. Such a view can be called a descriptive and static view of personality. Over the years, however, several psychologists have found it necessary to change this descriptive and static concept of personality. This became necessary particularly in the light of researches in psychoanalysis, clinical psychology and social anthropology. Research in these areas brought to light an important point, namely, that personality is not just a static fact.
Thus, researches in the areas of perception, learning and other behavioural processes have shown that these processes are determined by certain stable and consistent factors in the person. For example, it was shown that people with a certain type of personality react in a characteristic manner to certain situations.
A person with a stable personality generally responds in a calm and quiet manner even under stressful situations, in contrast to a person with an unstable personality. The major psychodynamic explanation was that of Freud as espoused in his psychoanalytic theory. Describe a person personality essay like Adomo, Fenkel Brunswick and others came out with the view that some individuals develop a type of personality called the authoritarian personality, describe a person personality essay.
Such authoritarian personalities show certain definite characteristics of behaviour like rigidity, hasty judgement, inability to tolerate ambiguous situations, etc. These psychologists established through their research the existence of an authoritarian personality syndrome. They further showed that people with such a personality tended to exhibit more group prejudices, and sharp likes and dislikes.
Their research showed that some forms of behaviour are to a large extent determined by the type of personality. Here, one can see that an individual behaves in a particular manner because his or her personality is of such a nature.
In view of this, the term personality came to be used as one which explains behaviour rather than described behaviour. Psychological researches even today are not free from the controversy between these two views, the dynamic view, on the one hand and the static descriptive view, on the other. However, the dynamic view has come to find more acceptance than the static view.
Today, most of the psychologists agree that a personality of the individual is not just a description of different qualities or characteristics. The term is now used to refer to the consistent, general and unique way of functioning of a person. Thus, when we define a person as rigid, reserved and so on, it is obvious that we are thinking of these basic features as adjectives which describe the person.
Some psychologists have, therefore, concerned themselves with the identification of such basic characteristics of personality, describing and measuring them.
Such an approach is called the structural approach to personality. It is descriptive and explanatory, describe a person personality essay. This states that anxiety is the significant content of his personality. Jung classified people into thinking, feeling, sensation and intuitive types.
Philosophers and scientists belong to the thinking type, artists to the feeling type, fashion-makers to the sensation type and mystics to the intuitive type. This classification is based on the predominance of certain functions in different personalities. However, psychologists have been very sharply divided on this issue, and whether a particular psychologist takes a structural view or a functional view influences his research in the field of personality.
In other words, what is it that personality is made up of? Just as in physics and chemistry we look for atoms and molecules, and for different types of cells in biology, similarly, in the study of personality this question becomes relevant. The psychologists who have been primarily concerned with studying the structure of personality have devoted their efforts in understanding, describing and measuring these various units of personality.
Of course, there have been different approaches to this describe a person personality essay. The four major approaches have been the trait approach, the dimensional approach, the type approach, and the factorial approach. The trait, type, describe a person personality essay, factorial and dimensional approaches have primarily assumed a structural approach and have attempted to identify the basic units or types of personality structure.
Wholistic and organismic views are essentially describe a person personality essay in approach although they themselves do not make a distinction between structure, function and content. According to this view, personality is a totality and cannot be divided into units. Similarly, the unique characteristics of personality also do not permit classification into types. This approach tends to view personality as a growing, developing and unfolding process and it can never be completely developed.
Further, it is not possible to make a distinction between behaviour and personality. The personality has to be viewed not as a static entity or a factor, but as a continuously growing and organising process, describe a person personality essay. Their approach is inclined to be more functional rather than structural. These approaches are wholistic and non-reductionistic. According to them personality is the dominant and controlling process by which people, driven by inner needs, adapt themselves to the environment, describe a person personality essay.
Viewed in such a light, personality describe a person personality essay be regarded describe a person personality essay the way in which an individual achieves a balance and integration between inner conditions and outer demands in a consistent and unique manner ensuring stability, on the one hand and change and growth, on the other. These approaches, though they appear to be very adequate from the point of view of characteristics of human behaviour, suffer from vagueness and lack of clarity in contrast to the trait and type approaches, describe a person personality essay.
Of course, these approaches have been more recent in origin, and have constantly been resisting all attempts to reduce behaviour to physiological characteristics or even to psychological units like traits. Attempts of the latter kind are seen in the writings of psychologists like Dollard, Miller, Sears and describe a person personality essay who have tried to incorporate the findings of other theories like psychoanalysis in their own theories, while basically retaining the characteristics of the learning theory approach.
For example, they have incorporated the concept of identification, originally employed by Freud, but in a very limited and different sense. The behaviouristic approach basically holds the view that psychology should do away with concepts like mind, self, consciousness, etc. Consistency in behaviour results from repeated learning of certain behavioural patterns, resulting in stimulus generalisation and response generalization.
Basically the behaviouristic position would hold that personality is nothing but the package of consistent and generalized elements in the behaviour of a person across different situations. Of course, there is the problem of behaviour exhibited by people in certain specific situations, differing from their general pattern.
Thus some individuals who are confident and even aggressive in most of the situations are rather shy and diffident in a specific situation, say in the company of the opposite sex. The behavioural approach deals with such instances using the concept of situational specificity.
One may clearly see that in explaining the personality unlike the dynamic theories, which postulate certain stable agencies like the ego, describe a person personality essay, self, etc. Skinner, with whose work on operant conditioning the reader is very familiar, tried to relate observable behaviour to observable environmental events.
In this connection, he employs what is known as functional analysis of behaviour. For example, let us take the case of a describe a person personality essay who shows withdrawal behaviour.
The psychodynamic approach would postulate that the child has developed a tendency to withdraw as a disposition, describe a person personality essay.
But Skinner on the other hand would make a careful observation of the specific situations or environmental conditions under which such withdrawal behaviour occurs. The analysis would try to understand the withdrawal behaviour, the reward this leads to avoidance of adverse conditions and what are the functional behavioural patterns he is lacking to confront this aversive situations.
Based on the concept of operant conditioning. Skinner would hold that this withdrawal behaviour was acquired and is persisting because it has been reinforced in the past, advertently or inadvertently. According to Rotter, human behaviour generally begins in describe a person personality essay ways and then becomes more specific. In this context Rotter propounded the concept of Locus of Control and classified people into externals and internals.
A number of studies have shown that externals and internals differ markedly, in their interests, susceptibility to describe a person personality essay stimuli etc. The internals have been found to be more effective in dealing with internal stimuli, and conditions, while the externals are more competent in dealing with certain classes of stimuli and conditions, in the external environment.
The human being was held to be internally empty, and treated to be a helpless victim of planned or accidental contingencies or accidents of the environment. But very soon, the total intellectual poverty and inadequacy of explaining human behaviour became too obvious.
Describe Your Character and Personality in English
, time: 5:09Essay on Personality
![Does Personality Describe The Person | Band 9 Essay Sample – IELTS describe a person personality essay](
· This essay shall delve does personality in real life describe a person. To begin with, there is saying that, “a good personality always attracts people.” A lot of people can agree to this statement as every person on this earth have their own personality, attitude, and way of living its life Now the plurality of researchers believe that personality can be summarized into five dominate traits, being extraversion, neuroticism, openness to experience, agreeableness and conscientiousness, all constituting the Five Factor Model. However The source of the descriptive essay on a person can be everything. As for other descriptions, it could be a life experience, when a portrait is recreated from memory (e.g., "The appearance of a person I saw once "), or from imagination ("My portrait in 10 years"). The source of descriptions can be a special observation, including the painting. Another type of descriptive essay on a person is a verbal description of the character of a literary work
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